Katie’s New Earth Now course came to me during a stage in my life and healing journey that I can only describe as the dark night. I was struggling with my awakening and letting go of everything I had ever known about myself, my surroundings, my roles, and my relationships. Katie and this class helped me to keep an open mind, fresh perspective, and it kept me grounded with like-minded way-showers. I am forever grateful to the friend who introduced me to Katie and for Katie sharing her gifts with us all. The amount of light being brought within this work is invaluable! 


I would highly recommend the next New Earth Now Foundation course to friends. The completed course was exceptional and I am drawn to again listen to all of the sessions. The breadth of the courses was  outstanding and flowed in divine order. A course to be revisited many times!


I sincerely looked forward to each month's topic.  I routinely listen to the activation recordings which I love that I have access to.  I loved learning about all the different spiritual beings that are supporting me...it makes this journey feel less lonely.  I would highly recommend this course to any seeker.  It requires an open mind and that is all.  The rest will unfold in time. 

- Melanie 

The New Earth Now course has certainly been a life-changing event for me. Over the past year each course was thoughtfully thought out by Katie covering our connection to Mother Earth and how it relates to our health care system, financial system, technologies, interpersonal relationships, past, present and future, ancestral and soul versions of ourselves, ultimately culminating in a complete integration of universal oneness. I enjoyed the fact that each module was designed to address the past on night 1, the present in night 2 and the future in night 3. This format propelled and prepared me towards the next topic. Every step of the way the activations led by Katie at the end of each module broke down and released the fear, guilt, betrayal, grief and anger that I was carrying over many lifetimes in regard to each topic. These activations finished with filling the space created from this release with light, love and a deep understanding of heart centered connection. The culmination in the last module was a complete shedding of what remained followed by the most profound activation/meditation I’ve ever experienced. This activation has changed my whole perspective and allowed me to truly receive the gifts I was intended to enjoy.


My advice to anyone considering this course is to be as open as possible. I have not done hallucinogens to enhance my connection with source but I have had many friends describe it to me. In my opinion Katies teachings can provide that same profound experience in a more natural way if you are open. Let go of what you think you know about spirituality and allow it to wash over you. If you do that your life will never be the same.


I signed up for this course a few weeks before the start of the first module because I felt a gravitational pull to it. My goals in joining were to build my spiritual practice and to invest in myself. That’s the simple way to say what I got out of this collection of courses! 

To give some clarity, my spiritual practice has turned on 1,000%! I was happy with who I was before this course and now I have even more compassion, space, and heart for myself and my practice now one year later. On the daily, some of the benefits I’m experiencing is: I’m meditating, working out, eating better, more financially aware, journaling, listening to self growth podcasts, reading books on topics I’m passionate about, speaking to myself and others with more grace, self addressing blocks/trauma/ignorance as they appear, I’m more emotionally capable, noticing my magical and magnetic nature, and diving deep into my feminine expression.

New Earth Now mystery school (and the foundations course) is more than thought provoking and healing on all levels of life and spirit. It is also a call of conscious profound actuation. To which I am deeply grateful as a millennial in 2023. This course proves that you’re not alone and speaks directly to how we can find peace and gumption to bring our best expressions into our individual worlds. I feel we are knitting the connectivity of loving unity!

As a mother of two under 3 years old and a preteen and woman employed in a 8-5 office job, I found the format of these courses perfectly acceptable. The topics are synchronistic.

I’m so grateful for Katie, her team (those in human bodies and those not), and the others who were also taking these foundational courses. I highly suggest the replays!


Yet again I am filled with immense gratitude for Katie and the work she is bringing to this planet.  The New Earth Now Foundation's course helped bring to light so many of the structures of our society that no longer serve and helped me to shift to NEW vibrations and to see new ways of existing within (and without) those structures. I got a lot of valuable information from all of the modules but in particular the religion module surprised me because I did not think I had a lot of religious trauma in this lifetime, but a lot of shame rose to the surface for me during that module and that is a vibration I am very familiar with in this life.  In that module I was able to better understand how both generational trauma and past life trauma can cause invisible ramifications in THIS life and this module helped move through some of that.  If a friend was considering joining this course, my advice would be to take the leap.  The consistency of the program really helps to integrate some of these shifts over time and the program lets you see the world in which we currently live in a whole new light.  I came away with more peace towards others that are not on this spiritual path and was able to connect more deeply with those that are on this path with me. I've never regretted the investment in anything Katie teaches and this course is not an exception. Highly recommend!


One of my mission in life is to be the highest version of self I can be and New Earth Now's course led by Katie Sutton offer me a perfect container to do just that and guide me safely through my elevating process. The classes are well structured between teachings, practicing, and integrating parts, always within a very supportive container, with plenty of time to practice and integrate between sessions. As any classes, you get out what you put in and Katie is there to guide you. The teaching and activation parts of each classes are always the most pertinent for me, as they open my mind and integrate the teaching into the body. 


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  • Access to all 6 Volumes of the New Earth Now Foundations Course

  • 18 Individual Modules of Content

  • Access to a learning portal with all course content

  • Access to an Online Community Forum

About Katie Sutton and Her Guides

Katie Sutton is an intuitive channel, vibrational healer and way-shower who supports people on their personal path to wholeness and fulfillment. Through Zen Within Academy, Katie empowers you to live as your authentic self. Katie’s clients span a broad demographic spectrum and are united in their search for solutions to their life challenges. Her passion to provide a wide array of healing modalities and experiential programs can be tailored for both the current and future needs of her clients. She and her husband, Josh, travel across the country leading retreats and workshops where they incorporate her original and transformational 12th Dimensional Healing™ techniques and sound healing therapies which create tangible and lasting shifts for their clients. 

Katie’s channeled work pulls on her deep and continual connection with the Divine Feminine Collective and the 12th Dimensional Collective to bring forward ancient teachings that have been lost to humanity for some time.

The Divine Feminine Collective is made up of:

Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Goddess Sophia, Mother Gaia, Goddess Ma’at, Goddess Isis, Anna Grandmother of Jesus, White Buffalo Calf Woman and more.

The 12th Dimensional Collective is made up of:

Various star being connections such as Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra in combination with other Ascended Masters such as Yeshua/Jesus, Buddha, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Metratron and more

Katie works diligently and mindfully to create a clear channel for participants to receive teachings and activations in the highest vibration possible. Her activations and meditations are often felt in the body and spirit to a very deep and powerful degree, shifting participants all the way down to the DNA level.